Friday, December 01, 2006

the fray???

I just love this band. love it when they're playing live. Better marh!!!!
And The Danish band called Mew too. But the vocalist really need to practise a lot. kinda suck when it comes to live.

okey, most of my friends from school are now back in Kuching. dont really wanna see them lah. Kinda embarassing. they probably changed a lot and me? kinda still the same. only with the straighten hair.

Yesterday, went to some relatives house for the"fairwell ceremony" cause some grandma want to go to Mecca ~menunaikan Hajj~..."pilgrimage". then, suddenly, some woman come to my mum and ask, " Dah cuti anak kitak kah? Dah HAbis SPM?" what??? Do i still look like im in Form 5?? im 20 years old for heaven sake! and going to 21 next year! aiyak!

what a day! i cant sleep. my whole body is tired. been jogging a lot lately. after the third times, (of jogging session) feels like something stuck in my ass!
Cant walk properly.
Damn it hurts!

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