first of all, i love Sarawak..and i think, many people love Sarawak too. people would kill their grandma to live here!
budget 2008 is out! no bonuses~ maka duit ya lah pakei my family shopping beli kasut raya, baju raya, beli bra, beli seluar dalam and bla bla bla education for primary school students..(man, how lucky are they ey?)
how about tertiary education-ers???
damn those ptptn loaners.. dah pinjam, bayarlah!!!!!!!
just got back from Goh Say Lak. bought my granpa's diapers..i didn't tab the freaking coupon, i get tickets! man, ya nyuroh swak tok kaya!
kimak ompuan ya!!!!!!! kelak tukuk palak nya..adakah bertapok belakang pokok nilit aku?/!!!!
RM8 billion budget for Sabah and Sarawak.. kimak mena! mun berik dgn rakyat jelata muak juak. tok bunuh segala pokok, trimming the hills, developt sia, developt sitok, ambik tanah orang, saman orang..bunoh orang, curi orang, eeish!
3R my ass! recycle, reuse, reduce??? im totally 100% behind this campaign.. but what do the government about this? twice a week for garbage day~~~F*** bau bah kampong tok!!!!!
just so you know, im in a bad mood while writting this post! bodo! cukai rumah, cukai pintu sik turun turun! apa pikir kmk org tok ngecop duit kah???
i think every houses in swak bergrill..takut pencuri katakan..but i think, thats the stupidest idea ever! but, my mum didnt care about all that..she did em anyway! what happen if there's a fire (nauzubillah) ?? and we are trapped in our own home?? that's silly! still they think it secured?? f*** that! what ever happen to the essential part of architecture?? to have a secured home, get yourself a grill?? what happen to the things called "alarm system", "security windows", "polis ronda" and "dog"? drives me nut thinking about it!
my assignment is wayy to much..and too little time to finished. i hate this thing spelled D-A-T-E-L-I-N-E. i used to like it but now, it is my greatest enemy..
when the wage wars happen, its the poor who suffers.. im suffering. not enough money to get myself a moisturizer.. i just want to cry, scream, hit, curse and many more~
last but not least, HAPPY RAMADHAN EVERYONE~~