Thursday, June 19, 2008

say cheese

It was a Father's Day celebration last week, am i right? well, since i dont have a father.. i do have a lot of uncles..they are the fathers of my cousins.. so, we were celebrating some family get-together- last Sunday..was cousins Nuar and Boboy cooked. boi im telling you, the steak....was awesome.. kalah Kenny Rogers.. and here it goes..some snap and snip during the celebration..wait aaarrr

Boy and Nuar..resting in soo-unpeace-carpet

please dont mind my was such a bad-hair-day for me
heh? who am i kidding..everyday is my bad hair day

with Norah..such a cutie~~

"nobody is bringing the food on the table...yet"-face

i was so hungry, i can eat jarut..

oh hellow norah..i didn't mean to eat your aunt in front of you

lekak makan..pandei jadi bodo..amik gambar pelik pelik
tok tengah main dengan janggut mama..yup..nya ada satu bijik/helai/buah janggut



Aaina Rambli said...

hehe...kedak mak org pun ada juak...
n boboi cute sungguh dgn ipod nya ya...silaka!

NuruL Ash said...

eeishhhhhhhh..kdak bini org nak? ahahahaha

Aaina Rambli said...

r u playing dress up? hehe...dah gik ngen jadik bini org. I know u're old enough to....! wait for it....

pHyda said...

i can see aquarium..or is it aquariums...? obsessed with fishes. haha.