Thursday, January 29, 2009

im blabbering again

eeish.i think i'm sick.
mum doesn't want to take me to see doctor.
recently aaaa,
i smile without reasons.
i feel "sosasosad" not knowing why.
i can laugh all day.and it's not an easy job.
i think i'm sick inside.
what is wrong with me?
i cant sit still.i cant think straight.
i can't eat.i can't poop.i can't focus.i can't talk.-PROPERLY!
im road blind.have i ever mention that?

keep staring at my phone. my phone, i tell unpredictable.
when it is least expected, it'll ring.if you expect it rings,it won't ring.
when there's a silence-moment, i a fool.
i feel like slapping my own face.
went online all day..well sort of laaa..
downloading and uploading some good stuff..

im blabbering again.

there's something about chair that amuses me.
when it is pulled for you (someone pulls a chair for you to sit down), please be grateful and thankful.i know i am/will.

when everyone is going places, im at it in front of Pc, watching tv, giving my grandma a bath, changing her diapers, feeding her, entertaining my mum and the rest of my family, baking some pastries..what a loser!
i started to think, will i still be in Kuching in the next 5 years?
do i have something interesting to tell or impress my friends everytime they come home?
i begin to think that i am the most boring person alive!
i wish i was on tv or something:-have special talent that put me on the map.
so that people will aknowledge my existance.
do something to contribute to society kah.
what? not my time aar? bila agik?

if i were to die first, what will you miss most about me?
i know, you'll be sad..say..1 week?


Aaina Rambli said...

my god..very disturbing visual material.

NuruL Ash said...

u din answer de friggin' question woman!
yea..purposely did it!

luna anise said...

damn.. i love the word friggin'. it's my favourite word. comes from my favourite man you-know-who and now comes from my favourite woman. If you're no longer here in this world who else who would've said that? don't die yet..
I'd miss your friggin' hot leg so friggin' bad

NuruL Ash said...

eheheh,my legs hot? since when?
thanks for "would missing" me anyway.

*maybe it was just the-PMS talking~