on our way to eat chocolate sundae
ya..ini sudah sampai yaa buk..
things i do for 1/4 pounder..
ehehheh..garuk idong..i tot Aisyah was goin' to take a picture of me..i didnt know the video mode is ON!
lost in translation... nang sik dapat jadi tourist guide..i know that now >.<
there's plenty of video laa..but damn streamyx..slowing my uploading and downloading work..haizzzzzzzz
take 5..aishah, playing the role as an informer??? bakat itu perlu diasah yaa.
nurul nait tanggak..sa best!
apa dipolah kta tok ngereco jak jak.
"i don't know.bye bye"
i was imagining i'm the thai girl at the counter. heh. nang sik pass
ahahaaha..im messed up!!!!
made in thailand yea?
one night in bangkok, make the world go crumble..
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