Saturday, July 30, 2011

july has been

so-so. i had enough fun and enough work to handle. been re-evaluating myself too. i have decided that i should talk less about other people and listen more.

Next week, my cousin Raof or Aup will bring his parents to KL to do some shopping for raya. I used to called him a lot of things because he can be very annoying (when we were growing up) and last few June, i did it again and i cant believe it. Cant believe i called him stoopid just because he cant read and count. Hes having dyslexia for God sake. How can i said that to him. i think im the one whos stoopid by saying that. i should have apologized to him the next time i see him.

Been talking a lot. and i hated myself for that. i wish i can press the undo button every time i said something about other people and when i talked non-stop for 10 minutes. just STOP NURUL! JUST STOP!

Dear God, please make it easy for me to get through in this "phase" of life.

Ramadhan is approaching and hopefully, this time around our "ibadah" will be accepted by Him. Insyaallah. Pray hard AND do work smart.. Peace..

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