1) after a hundred of kisses..then maybe, we'll talk about it.
2) im doin' fine really, apart from missing you that is. and i think i just got dump by a dude. hes like my sms scandal..rofl..but hes too drunk to notice it yet..but never you mind. i'll be fine~
its freezing in Kch by the way.. i always get a cold feet and cold stomach. been swimming a lot lately too. sometimes, i even swim in the rain..one of the things i do just to get by..
3) again, im fine. really. don't you worry ok Mr! i went to the beach yesterday with my friend. we camwhoring like there's no tomorrow. running around in the rain at the beach..really fun la wey! i should do that again..
ok..smart i must say.
gambar bergayut rh pokok tek ne?
ne? kat ktk laaaa
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