Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"take care"

umm..for this past 2 weeks, ive been seeing 4 doctors already. it hurts everytime i pee and it is no longer a pleasure.sigh.

i think i've commented on someone's blog years ago about saying "take care" to end our conversation. itok tok teh.

i remember the message that my Aisyah gave me the other night. (me like it!)
it goes something like this;

aisyah: cta apa kt hallmark.ths s a hectic week! Pande craving my mom's mee jawa indah. U take care nurul: sik tauk title apa.. tell me, how 2 "take care".. u have fun in melaka aite.. aisyah: take care- mium aik byk2, makan ubat, dgr kata doktor, dgr kata mama ktk, avoid collectiong germs, tahan iman ngan laki hensem. nurul: AHAHAHAHAHAA,Nok dudi skali ya ada susah ckt!!! dugaan dugaan

yea..sure it sounds sooooo nice when we hear it. especially when it comes from someone you adore. but what about strangers? do they really mean what they say? or that is just a way they're being polite?

me and my social life..cant never go along well.. no wonder i $@#%%^&%*^& all the time..


IT has been a happy happy week too..
trust me, it has nothing to do with my reality life..

I heart YOU ALL~

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