Sunday, March 07, 2010

hello MONDAY!

-just got my x-rays lung is crystal clear.
still, ive been coughing and getting a cold every now and then.

-been getting this head-ache for 2 days now.

-been seeing doctors and resting.

-been exercising as well and i got to tell you, ive never sweat like that before. totally worth it for 1 hour for some cardio-work and my RM7.

-been dieting too.less carbs more vege. im gonna be honest with you, it doesnt do me any good. ehehe just kidding. it does- for my bowel movement that is.

-today, i spent half of my day with Norah in my hand and it is not an easy task i tell you.
went to the immigration, got my x-rays, went to see my doctor (again) and she's there getting all the attention.

-my car seems to have issues and im not quite sure what happen to him.
nearly skidded at ban hock road this morning. maybe it was the tyre but im not sure.

-ok, im done.its been a long long long morning and i think im gonna rest for a bit.

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